Volunteer Application (Individuals and Families)

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Augusta Rescue Mission.  Our ambition is to give more than the basic needs to our clients.  We strive to offer total life transformation through discipleship, life skills, and teaching that invite our clients to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We could not fulfill our mission and purpose without the efforts of volunteers such as you.

We would ask that you fill out the attached Volunteer Application Form.  There are a couple of reasons for this request.  First, we want to find the best fit for you within our volunteer program.  Your answers to the questions in the application will help us find the best place for you to volunteer in a way that is effective and beneficial to the Mission and rewarding for you.  Secondly, we attempt to get to know our volunteers, especially if they are helping on a consistent basis.  This information will help us get to know each other in a way that will ensure safety for you and our clients as well as offer more volunteer opportunities as we develop a partnership together.

 The Augusta Rescue Mission is a Christian non-profit organization, and all of what we do is founded upon our faith in God through Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible. At times, our volunteers will be offered the opportunity to share their faith in Christ with our clients, and that is why understanding and agreeing to our Statements of Faith, Beliefs, and Conduct found in this Volunteer Application is essential in volunteering in certain capacities—especially when having consistent interaction with our residents through client support, teaching, and instructing. When necessary, we may require a background check prior to volunteering. If this is the case, we will be in contact with you and request the information needed at that time.

Again, we thank you for the interest you have shown, and we look forward to working with you as you serve.